Foreign language learning is real world education

Foreign language learning is real world education

   In the 21st century, language learning meets real world needs by
  • Rewarding learners with a resume differentiator – the ability to communicate and collaborate in another language across cultures and time zones
  • Providing access to information and collaboration in any field – including science, technology, engineering, mathematics; business; and health care
  • Developing critical literacies by practicing skills to understand, exchange opinions, and present ideas
  • Developing flexible and adaptable thinking, plus an ability to function in new and unfamiliar situations
  • Preparing learners to think and interact in a global community
   Language learning develops important 21st century skills
  • Participation in face-to-face interactions via technology, internships and volunteer opportunities in the community
  • Application of competence in a new language to career and personal goals, broadening thinking beyond one’s personal goals
  • Becoming more adept in understanding diverse cultural perspectives and one’s own identity
   Through language learning, learners
  • Develop literacy with a balance of informational and literary texts
  • Use their second language to access, discuss, and create content across all disciplines
  • Broaden the content for learning languages to any area where they might use language.
  • Expand their knowledge beyond what they are learning through their native or heritage language.

These benefits are essential for and are within reach of all learners. An early start to learning a second language, programs of immersion or dual language immersion, and long learning sequences show strong results in helping all learners achieve these results.

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